Alex Grig

Art of the Russias

[I was pottering about trying to see exactly how Lilya Brik was a muse of the Russian avant-garde when I encountered Parashutov’s article on Alex Grig, a French painter of Russian origin. Bring on the emigres, I thought to myself, although in Alex’s case, it is a bit of a stretch – she is second-generation French.

Speaking of Parashutov, the man’s so prolific and wide-ranging in his coverage of Russian art that I could keep busy for the next year or two just translating his articles.]

Alexandra Onisimovna von Grinkrug (Александра Онисимовна фон Гринкруг) was born in 1938 in Paris in a Jewish-Russian emigre family. Her artistic talent was noted at an early age. In her drawing of balloons, her teacher observed the accuracy of form and the bright capture of their movement. She was four or five years old at the time; her artistic career was…

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