Through My Eyes: A Photographers Journey

Around our house we are a tad bit obsessive with our garden. We have tons of flowers!

My husband is the garden artist. He starts his gardening in February by starting seeds that he sows in the Fall.  We don’t have a greenhouse.  He starts everything indoors.  It can get messy.  But every year we say that it is worth it.  Doing what you love is always worth the mess.  Metaphorically speaking,  isn’t everything?

We are always out there weeding, transplanting, re-arranging, and watering.  But if I am being completely honest, he is the one responsible for our backyard paradise.  It is an English style garden with stone pathways.  Each one of those stones represents a hike or canoe trip in pursuit of the perfect flat rock!

I guess you could define our gardening style as shabby chic with the old chairs and pottery pieces placed strategically throughout the yard. We have…

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By photos4share

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